
Discover the Rich History of the World: Events, Eras, and Civilizations

Asia Region

History of Pakistan: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern State

Indus Valley Civilization Minister Lord from Mohenjo-daro (c. 2500 BCE) The absolute earliest antiquated human civilizations in South Asia started from regions enveloping present-day Pakistan. The...

Europe Region

History of Denmark: From Viking Age to Modern Nation

Ancient times The earliest archeological finds in Denmark date back to the Eem inter glacial period from 130,000 to 110,000 BC. Denmark has been occupied...

History of the Netherlands: Dutch Legacy

The history of the Netherlands, also referred to as Nederland in the Dutch language, is an intricate and extensive narrative that encompasses numerous millennia....

Australia Region

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History of Denmark: From Viking Age to Modern Nation

Ancient times The earliest archeological finds in Denmark date back to the Eem inter glacial period from 130,000 to 110,000 BC. Denmark has been occupied...

Africa Region

History of Ghana: From Ancient Empires to Modern Independence

Archaic realms The earliest recorded realms to arise in current Ghana were the Mole-Dagbon states. Before the unification of Dagbon, social orders were decentralized, and...

History of Congo: Central Africa’s Story

History Bantu-talking people groups who established clans during the Bantu extensions, generally dislodged and consumed the previous occupants of the area, the Dwarf public, around...

History of South Africa: From Ancient to Modern

Ancient Times and Early Occupants South Africa's set of experiences starts with the early human precursors who lived here a while back. The disclosure of...


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